

Buttercup Update

23 more weeks to go until little Buttercup arrives! That seems so close and I have nothing purchased and I really haven't been looking. Does that make me a bad mother already? I think I am still in disbelief (despite the fact that my belly is growing leaps and bounds) about there being a baby on the way. I think I have to admit that I am nervous and scared because I want this baby so badly and I have no control………..just a little…….of what happens. Nature is happening inside of me and it's all so unreal and beautiful.

I can honestly say that as women, especially pregnant women, go through so much. As a non-pregnant lady for 31 years and some months, my body was so much different than it is now. My pregnant body is amazing and beautiful (if you over look the fat rolls and dimples). Things are growing, stretching, and pulling in all directions. What an interesting journey this has been so far!

So what has my baby been doing???? Well, I think I felt a flutter on Monday night!! I was out with the hubby at Hooters………….say what you want, they have great wings…………and felt this little pop/tickle sensation and at first I thought it was gas, then I realized…….it was a flutter!! It was ever so light, but I am convinced that's what is was. I just turned 17 weeks, so I think I am right on track to feel my baby move, even if it's a little. ;-)

People say that morning sickness is a sign of a healthy baby, well this baby will be doing push ups when he/she comes out. My all-day-sickness has gotten worse during my second trimester. As soon as I eat, it comes right back up. Do you know how frustrating that is for someone who spent money on a nice lunch?! The good thing is that my body is working for the baby (thanks, Alissa for that bit of wonderful info) and could give two craps about me. I'm cool with that because my Buttercup needs everything!

I decided to do a protective style again this year and I went for a straight plain Jane look. Nothing fancy, just something to do while my hair takes a break. I got a sew-in and braided all of my hair up so that I wouldn't have to put any heat on my own hair. The look is cute and some say I look younger………..WINNING! I think I may do another protective style in May for my trip to Florida! This time it will be more of a curly/wavy look, perfect hair for Miami!

Hopefully next post I will be revealing the sex of my little one. We go to the doctor on Friday, so wish us luck!

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