

An Inch in 5 Days????

Okay, so either I have the fastest growing hair known to man or I am trippin'!! I BC'd 5 days ago and it feels like my hair has grown sooooooo much!!! Everytime I put my hands in my hair it feels like I am grabbing a never ending supply of hair! Weird......I know. I am truly loving the thicknes of my TWA and I can't remember the last time I felt so good. The hand in hair syndrome is REAL ya'll!


  1. I am so proud of you, mama! I love your blog and your natural do! What are the fun acronyms you are using, like BC? I want in on the secret! Also, do you know of a gel that exists that doesn't make hair hard??

  2. Congrats! I had the HIH syndrome too but I had to stop because our hands are not the most sanitized!! lol

    I'm glad you are noticing growth, your hair is happy its free. I transitioned with a weave too and I was so happy to feel the air on my scalp! lol

  3. I'm trying to follow your blog but its some problems, I will try again later! Keep the posts coming, I like to answer questions!

  4. Thanks, LissMami!! BC = Big Chop and I like Olive Oil Eco Styler Gel. Each head is different, so you will have to do a test run on your hair to see how it reacts. Spiritual, thank you so much!! I am working on my first one, so bare with me as I work out the kinks! LOL!!
